Its been a long awaited arrival but it's here!!!
A writing collective comprised of many artists from Crown Hill, Indianapolis pushing their art for the world to hear.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Crown Hill USA, is a growing brand for all artist in Indianapolis, Indiana. One of the most potent spoken word artist from this city is stretching his audience future with every feature across the US. DDE the Slammer has seen many a stage and enlightened people of all creeds with his intriguing, entertaining and influential artistry.
DDE is set to hit the stage Monday in Florida for a feature that will do more than impress our southern friends. I'll humbly speak this into existence, "DDE WILL INSPIRE THEM SO MUCH HE WILL BRING BACK SOME FLORIDANS WITH HIM." Let's be honest, Indianapolis isn't high on the popularity list. I'm only suggesting that more people will become even more aware of the ingenuity, honest, gritty and respect us NapTown folk has for art as a whole. From hip hop to graffiti, to dance, painting, poetry is only a portion of the AMAZING artistry we have.
To DDE, GO HARD and congratulations!!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Thou Raweth Artist
Show up and show out for the Raw Artist event going down tonight at the Old National Center!!! 7pm. Cocktail attire!!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Kayy Nova
As a spoken word artist I've wrestled with creativity and performance. I've competed in slam competitions just for the hell of it only to become more discouraged than inspired. That plus school and everyday life dealings, its quite easy to let go of something. Some of those times it was poetry.
How dare I?
The only thing that gives me life how could I ever consider letting it go? But even when I tried, words never left me. I still found myself putting things together in poetic forms and eventually began writing poems in my head without paper. I'm up to three complete peaces which have never seen paper and working on my fourth one.
My battles always seem to be spiritual. I'm always on the move helping people around me, volunteering for different events just to ultimately lose myself. I'll admit I'm confusing. I'm learning that most of it is all in my head and once I speak life all my worries fade away. Kay Nova's "Defy" feels like a whispering angel harmonizing with my conscience telling me to do better. Be better. Feel better. Life will do its part to be an emotional drain but it is up to us to use the power He has equipped us with and be powerful. CAST OUT THEM DEMONS!!
Music brings so much peace. That peace becomes more vibrant and unavoidable when the right spirit is endowed within the artist. "Wake Up" has been the sentiment for the last six months. My partner in crime Chantel Massey and I together form the group WakeUp as a poetry movement in Crown Hill. In an effort to renew the City from being "NapTown" we figured it was time to do our part in revitalizing that energy. The Word says, "when two or three are gathered in my name I will be present." This song means so much more to me because it is EXACTLY what we as WakeUp are implementing. Its time to move. Your mission is as powerful and concise as the people you're surrounded by. This work is of the most high. I can feel it. Everyone in my circle are taking hold of their dreams and living it the best way they know how.
Kayy Nova
Be sure to check out her music page via
Be inspired and share the love, power and divinity.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Lately, the people of Indianapolis have been able to see first hand what violence looks like without the camera crew team, all from the comfort of their home. The people are angry and tired of such nonsense! Instead of complaining, YedidYah Ben-Sion took it upon his self to release a diss track aimed directly at the media officials of our city plainly stating ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Not only do we have this track, there's also a community gathering downtown THIS Saturday advocating change for peace in our streets. A letter has been written to IMPD's Public Information Officer about their negligence and a petition is circulating for concerned Hoosiers to show support for the cause.
To sign your name visit:: #RespectIndy !!!